Friday, April 23, 2010

New Bible Study!

This past Tuesday we had a brand new Bible study in Pankow, in the North of Berlin. It's about 45 min North from where the church is located in Schoneberg. Berlin has a very large footprint, almost as large as New York City. It's population, however, is only 3.5 million. This area of Pankow was originally targeted by the church about 4-5 years ago. We tried to have a Bible study there and did many outreaches in the area, but nothing really came of it. A couple of Saturdays ago we were having brunch at Marcel's house, a man in our church who has been in a wheel chair his whole life. He invited one of his friends, who also is in a wheel chair. We were talking about God and reading a few verses from the Word, when Marcel's friend Sascha said he would love to have a Bible study at his house. He has been listening to our monthly messages from Berlin on CD. He has such a hunger for the Word of God, and simply to learn more about God.

So we met at his place in Pankow for the study and had an amazing time delving into the Word of God. The crazy thing in all of this, is that this man Sascha isn't even saved.......yet. But God is working in his heart and he is so interested in getting to know who God is and how He can change his life. Marcel, his friend in our church, was so encouraged by our time together. He can't always make it to a service or a rap or Bible study at the church, because he lives pretty far from the church as well. He is so excited to go deeper into the Word and to have more fellowship with believers.

Please be praying for:
• the Bible study in general
• that people come and souls would be reached in this area of the city
• that God would manifest Himself to us each week in such a real, deep, and concrete way
• that Sascha would get saved
• that Marcel would be engulfed by the love of God, and simply receive it

Friday, April 2, 2010

New Web Page!

We just launched a new Greater Grace Berlin website so please check it out!

Youth Concert

Is it true? Was the last song that Matt Roberge sang at his concert on Friday night for the teens. We had a great group of our teens come out and many of them brought their friends. Matt sang some great songs, some that he wrote, some that others wrote, but they all sent a great message through to our young people. That this life with God works. That God meets us where we are, He meets us in grace, that it doesn't matter what we've done or what we will do, God loves us just as we are. It was amazing for them to hear his songs and his testimony.

We had a great night even after the concert. We all went out into the city for ice cream. One of the teens even said that it was refreshing to know you could have so much fun and no one has to drink. It's not about giving them something better to do on a Friday night, but it's about giving them life. You can really see it in their lives that God's life satisfies, the body of Christ satisfies us. We love our youth!!

Is it true that God is real? Is it true that Christ died? Is it true He died for me? Is it true that Jesus saves whosoever will believe? Is it true the world is lost because they won't accept the cross? It is true! That in Your death we find life everlasting! - written by Matt Roberge