Monday, December 14, 2009

Going Home!

We are leaving tomorrow, the 15th, for Baltimore and we couldn't be more excited! We were really blessed to have help to pay for our tickets this year. Thank you JESUS! We'll be home for 3 weeks and then back to Berlin until this summer! WOOHOOO!

Church Christmas Party

We had an awesome Christmas party this past weekend with the church. We rented a room in a restaurant near the church and filled it with about 40-50 church members. Everyone had an awesome time! We ate, had a message from Pastor Gary, and exchanged gifts. The Yankee Swap is a HUGE hit over here. Last year we introduced the game to the church at Christmas, and people were asking us about it all year, wondering if we would do it again. There was a serious competition over (in my opinion) the best gift, a Starbucks gift card... in the end we ended up with it :)And as a side note, from Emily.... Matt organized the ENTIRE Christmas party, and did an amazing job. Just had to give a shout out for a job seriously well done.

These women are from the Phillipines and are new to our church. Huge fans of these 3!

Good times at the Teen Table!

Pastor Gary preached a brief message on Christ needing a place to lay his head, not only on the day He was born, but also in our hearts today

The Newleyweds! Stephan & Mindy

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Church Christmas Decorating

We were blessed with a visit from Cliff, Micah, and Donna the weekend that we decided to decorate the tree. However, their real intensions for coming from Romania were to help us eat our massive Thanksgiving feast.

Our beloved Astrid getting a snowflake to hang on the tree. She is such a gift to the church here in Berlin. She is always around, with a huge smile on her face.

...The finished product... I know it's a little scarce on the top, but that's what we were given to work with.