Saturday, May 30, 2009

A great weekend in Heidelberg

We had an awesome trip to Heidelberg this past weekend. We got to Heidelberg around 4:30 Thursday afternoon after driving for about 6 hours. First things first we headed to Starbucks, and then onto the Verena, Daniela and Claudia's apartment for the Bible Study. We had 3 other guests (along with the 4 of us and the 3 girls) that night. It was a great time around the Word. Adrian played the piano and sang some worship songs and Mat Laflame shared a great Word about God's rest. Please keep one of the girls there in prayer, her father suddenly passed away last weekend. It was great to get a chance to have fellowship with the body there, and to be able to come with such a big group was such a blessing. Please keep these faces in your prayer, they are the heart beat of the Heidelberg ministry and they are continually praying for something to take off in their town. Left to right is Daniella, Verena and Daniel.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Road Trip!

Well in the midst of preparing all of our final details to go back to the States in 13 days we are taking a trip to Heidelberg this weekend. Tomorrow we rent a car and drive the 5 and a half hours to Heidelberg with Adrian and our V.S.G. (very special guest) Mat Laflame, straight off the Finnish missionfield. Please keep our trip in prayer. For traveling mercies on the autobahn, for the awesome group in Heidelberg assembling together, and for great fellowship. 

OH! Please also pray for the Groenewold's as they travel to Budapest tomorrow to be at the KETA graduation, Pastor Gary is the guest speaker.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


We have our two year visas! Thanks again to everyone for praying. We were actually missing one of the documents we were supposed to bring, but we got our visas anyways. Praise God! Last time we met with the Foreigner's Office, we waited about two hours, and that was with an appointment at 7 AM. So yesterday we were expecting to be there a while, just 45 min later, we were out the door with our visas.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Visa Meeting Tomorrow

Well first we'd both like to say thank you so much for your support. God has kept us on the edge of our seats every month, as the missions deposit comes in and we wonder what else God will send us (once we see it's not enough). But every month, in some shape or form, one way or another, God has been faithful. And we want to really thank everyone that has given to us, an extra $20 here... $50 there... you guys are an answer to prayer. And so tomorrow we have our meeting with the Foreigner's Office here in Berlin. Please keep this meeting in your prayers. The last time we were there they granted us a Visa extension through June, so if we don't get approval this time it's not like we're getting kicked out of the country or anything!! But we are really praying that tomorrow they will just hand them to us with no complications and we wont' have to deal with this office again when we return from America.

Looking forward to seeing you all in one month in Baltimore! We love you all!

~ Matt & Emily

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Teen Camp Developments!

Please check out this link to our new Greater Grace Berlin Teen website! Created just today by Matt & Emily... Enjoy!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Financial Update

We are in desperate need of a miracle for our finances. We are quite short this month to meet our needs, one of those needs is 100 euros (about $135) for our visas. We have a meeting this month on the 19th, so please keep that in your prayers. Specifically that all the details are met according to their liking, and we have no problem obtaining our visas. Also that the money comes in so we can pay the fee to get our visas. There are other needs, one of them being our health insurance, that we fall short of this month. Without the health insurance we can't apply for a visa. I know it's not an exciting blog entry, but it's important. You can donate to us directly through the PayPal link that is further down on the right-hand side of our blog. Any amount can be given through this link, whether it's $10, $25, $50, or any other amount. We know that God will be faithful to provide, but we also would like our readers to know the need and be praying with us if they are not able to help financially. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. 

Monday, May 4, 2009


"Who satisfies my mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's" - Psalm 103:5

God has given the church here such awesome teenagers. We have 4 teens that consistently come to every Bible study/Youth event that we put on. This past weekend, while the Baltimore teens were enjoying the Spring Rally in the Poconos, we had a teen trip to Germany's countryside. The Shiba's, an awesome family in our church, opened their home to us and let us all spend the night. We had a barbeque, set off home made rockets, and a Bible study around the campfire. 

Please keep the youth here in your prayers! Pray for increase, hunger, one-ness, fresh ideas, and for the Word to take root in their hearts!